How to Avoid the Problem of Market Saturation [Video]

If market saturation is your concern, the first question you need to ask yourself is “Have I defined my niche?” And I mean really defined it! Because, if you haven’t, I can promise you that you’re looking at your business from the perspective of a mile wide, inch deep rather than Inch Deep, Mile Wide.

Why Worrying about Market Saturation is a Waste of Time

When I hear clients express worry about their product and market saturation, I know one thing right away: they haven’t secured the right niche yet. When you understand how to choose your product and niche correctly, you know market saturation—and competition—won’t be a problem for you.

Your Business Needs Rave Reviews. Here’s Why!

As entrepreneurs, our most important task is to make our customers happy. In exchange, we get paid, and if we’ve performed with excellence, we also get a Rave Review. What we do with those Rave Reviews can be the difference between owning a just okay business and building a strong, successful business.

What do you believe? [Video]

What do you believe? That sounds like a strange question when we’re talking about business, doesn’t it? You may have noticed this Roach Rants post a few months ago where I shared What I Believe. Hopefully, you connected with what I said there and found yourself with a deeper understanding of who I am and the type of strategy help I provide people like you. But did you wonder what that post was all about?

3 Important Reasons You Should Sell Your Book on Amazon

Now that you’re through the difficult task of writing your book, pat yourself on the back for a job well done. But the opportunity for relaxing won’t last for long. You’ve got to sell your book, and you need to find the best place to do that.

9 Tips for How to Choose a Ghostwriter

You’ve decided to hire a ghostwriter, but you’ve no idea where to start. These are my 9 tips to help you choose a ghostwriter for your project.

3 Reasons You Need to Hire a Ghostwriter

You know you want to monetize knowledge you already have by writing a book, but you’re not sure if you want to hire a ghostwriter. I’ve come up with three focused questions to help you make the best decision for you.

Ass vs Asset [Video]

If you only hire “assets,” you’ll have major problems. Assets are great, but you also need an ass. This week on Roach Rants, we’re talking ass vs asset!

For information on working with Sean, contact him here!

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