I’ve covered the benefits of capitalizing on the relationships with higher-level colleagues that come from being an expert. Equally valuable, though, is collaborating with those same thought leaders on meaningful, innovative projects. A subtle distinction, yes, but one that’s critical to recognize. I’m talking about the sort of conceptual, expert-to-expert exchange of ideas that stretches your imagination and takes your already-pro game to the next level. Why is collaboration so powerful?


Creative Minds Working Together

You’ve heard me say business owners need outside perspective to grow. And an outside perspective is exactly what you get when you pool your creative resources with another innovator. When you’re close to any body of work, missing the failings—and the opportunities—is bound to happen. Embarking on the collaborative process with a peer exposes the flaws and irregularities in your operations. As you try to fit your respective puzzle pieces together, you’ll find areas for improvement.

Influence Your Industry

Thought leaders can’t work at their best in a vacuum. And, given your drive for entrepreneurship, you’re probably not content to just go along for the ride. You want to change the world. Yes, you may be able to do that on your own, but there can be an easier way to affect change. As an expert, you should be networking and keeping track of what other experts are doing. You can compare and compete, but more importantly, you should be working together with others toward a goal of elevating your field. Being open to opportunities to partner not only enhances your status in your industry but also helps you stay at the forefront of innovation. And that helps your business stay competitive.

Collaborate to Raise Your Profile

There are certain marketing tools money just can’t buy. And one of those is the organic market response to innovation. Not always an easy end to achieve, but you can make the path of progress easier and increase your exposure by collaborating. When your name is on the byline of a collaborative project at the highest level of your field, your status as an expert grows. Widespread recognition of your expertise can positively affect your reputation for years to come. So be open to opportunity, and don’t miss a chance to show the world you’re an expert.

Get off your duff!


Ready to collaborate? Get in touch with me here or on LinkedIn.



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